Georgia Workers' Compensation Claims
Our Workers’ Compensation practice assists clients who have been hurt or injured at work. Our attorneys work aggressively to ensure that employers provide their injured employees with all benefits and compensation required under Georgia law.
Georgia law requires companies or businesses with three or more employees, including regular part-time employees, to maintain a special insurance policy that will pay for medical expenses, rehabilitation expenses and wages for an employee who is hurt during the course of their employment. Even though this coverage is mandatory, employers or insurance companies often deny claims or limit the treatment an employee receives.
The benefits specified in Georgia’s workers’ compensation laws are typically the only remedy for an on the job injury—meaning you cannot sue your employer through traditional court process. Georgia has created a special administrative court called the State Board of Workers’ Compensation. The State Board consists of judges, attorneys and injured parties just like other courts. Unlike other courts, however, the State Board only hears workers’ compensation claims. Having an attorney experienced in Workers’ Compensation practice is crucial to navigating this specialized court process.

Workers' Compensation Claims Legal Advice
Attorneys at the Law Office of Gregory A. Hicks can help you navigate the workers’
compensation process to your benefit. In the past, we have helped clients receive treatment they desperately needed after insurance companies denied their requests to see new doctors or denied their requests for specific procedures. We have prevented insurance companies and employers from returning clients to work too quickly after an on the job injury. We have secured six figure settlements for clients to compensate them for their injuries. We have argued cases before the State Board and won substantial awards for our clients.
The lawyers at the Law Office of Gregory A. Hicks typically take workers’ compensation claims on a contingency fee basis—meaning we do not recover anything unless you recover. There’s no upfront cost to the client to have an experienced attorney assert your claim for you and to obtain the greatest benefits entitled to you under the workers’ compensation laws in Georgia.