Family Violence Crimes

The State of Georgia has created special laws specifically addressing crimes against family members. In Georgia, you can be charged under the Family Violence Act if you commit any of the following crimes:

  • battery
  • simple battery
  • simple assault
  • assault
  • stalking
  • criminal damage to property
  • unlawful restraint
  • criminal trespass or
  • a felony against your spouse (current or past spouse), your child, the other parent of your child, or other persons living or formerly living in the same household as you.

Someone charged under the Family Violence Act will face special conditions of bond and limitations before you are ever tried and convicted. An accused can be prohibited from having any contact with his or her spouse or child and being removed from his or her home home while you await trial. A lawyer is essential to avoid these conditions.

A conviction for family violence in Georgia carries severe penalties and punishment, including the loss of many privileges (such as your right to own a gun), costly evaluations and counseling programs, and lengthy sentences in jail and on probation. An experienced criminal law attorney representing you in court can avoid or lessen these punishments.